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A short documentary following those who keep vinyl spinning.

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Having spent the majority of a cold winter inside listening to vinyl, we started thinking more about why we were listening to such an old technology. This is where the idea of B-Side began; an engaging way for us to investigate many people’s love for vinyl and the culture that has birthed around its resurgence; if it ever even disappeared.

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Who are we?

A group of four passionate filmmakers originating from both North and South, all based in York.


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B-Side is an observational glimpse into the lives of those passionate about vinyl. The documentary will include three acts each exhibiting different genres of music but also commonality between people in why they still grasp onto vinyl culture. The three acts will be based around different music genres, including house, alt rock, and a wild card based on the people we capture, each genre in a different location.

All in all, we want to capture eccentric and endearing characters who are from contrasting backgrounds and cultures, but all have one commonality, which is the love of music and more specifically, vinyl.

Thematically, we want to touch upon subjects such as materialism, nostalgia culture, and more as backdrops to the characters stories. Obviously, being a documentary, these themes are subject to change based on our findings. However, we want to ensure a more layered story running throughout the film.

Together as a crew, we’ll be able to plan, execute and deliver a structured, artistic and informative documentary that we’ll be able to distribute amongst festivals, and be above all, entertaining.


Help us out!

Take a look at our fundraising campaign on



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